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Warren McDonough


January 2020


Warren left us at the age of 81.  He joined Rochdale CC from Castleton Moor in 1965, having established himself at Partington St. as an opening batsman and he became an ever present in our side for the next ten years or so.


His greatest contribution to the club came in 1974 when Rochdale CC was probably at its lowest ebb.  With the start of the season only two months away the club had no committee, no captain and no professional.  In the nick of time Wilson Hartley gave backword on a deal to be pro at Thornham in order to become our professional and Warren agreed to captain the team.


On the face of it, his reign was a failure – only one win all season - but far more importantly the club was spared and given crucial time to reassess and rebuild.


Even more creditable was the manner, formed by both his realism of the club’s plight and his innate coolness with which he dealt with such a difficult year.


A batsman in the classical mould – he rarely hit the ball in the air – Warren was often likened to the great Australian Lindsay Hasset but you were guaranteed his trademark wry smile if you reminded him of the moment when he hit Royton’s pro, West Indian quickie Chester Watson back over his head for six.

He went on to captain our Second Team until he retired in 1980 after which he hardly missed watching a home game, firsts or seconds, unless he went to an away game.

He was married to Kath, who died three years ago and they had a son, John, who also played for us before leaving the area.

Warren is a stalwart from a past generation and we mourn his passing.