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Peter Fletcher

January 2021


We were all saddened to learn that Peter Fletcher, our oldest surviving captain, died last Thursday (28th January 2021) at the age of 86.


Peter came to Rochdale from Fieldhouse as a promising 17 year old batsman in 1953, and soon established himself in the 1st XI, scoring 373 runs at over 32 in his first season, one in which the team, inspired by the former England and Gloucestershire batsman Charlie Barnett, won the CLL Championship and Wood Cup double.


He went on to play a vital role in the rest of the decade, when from 1955 to 1958 the team were unbeatable in the Wood Cup, winning it 4 seasons on the run to add to two further championships in 1955 and 1956.


1958 was the club’s last success for 32 years but Peter remained a vital component of the team during the 1960s, his stint as captain coming in 1961.


His link with the club ended temporarily in 1970 when he moved to West Yorkshire with his employer, Thomas Robinson.


Peter was married to Shiela and they had three children, Carol, Andrew, and David.  After Shiela’s death nine years ago, Peter once again became a familiar figure around the club, generously sponsoring us.


For the last ten months Peter had been in residential care and it was with painful irony that he was diagnosed with Covid 19 on the 22nd January, only 24 hours after receiving his vaccination.


Peter's funeral will take place at Sixby Cemetery, Huddersfield, on 5th March 2021, at 11.30am.  


It will be available to view online



Rest in peace Peter