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23.05.20 Sponsored Bike Ride

Sat 23.05.2020

Saturday 23rd May 2020 - Todmorden away - Sian Gilly (running) Tom and Kate Gilly, Jack Duffy, Ruby Mann, Adam Saville, Georgia, Lee, Dave Sigsworth and Dylan Poscha - a squad was formed.


We set off at 10.33 as Adam Saville was caught cuddling behind the town hall and was late - we took the canal at Wellfield and continued over towards Littleborough- this is where we met Waterloo Road star Ben Ryan Davies - who was also kissing and cuddling his girlfriend - which was cute.

We waved goodbye and set off towards Walsden - next on route was Rochdale Mayfield Captain Aidy Gleeson who was in pre-season training - he wished us luck and away we went.


It was a nice easy ride over to Walsden and we decided to have a pit stop at Walsden Cc - all the old guard where on show - Kenny gale, Chris barker - chairman John - the Halstead family - Fossie, Mick Watson, Lenny get your hair cut and what we having for tea shouted Tom.


It was time to descend into Todmorden- what a great village tod is - the market was open and. People were pottering about minding their own business.

Pete Duffy was the next man we met - he had canoed from Walsden and bunny hopped a few locks - what a guy - there was rumours he had a car in the vicinity and kept popping out like Mr Benn in his cycling outfit - I believe you Pete.


We finally arrived at Todmorden - Sian had beaten us again.
Family Gilbertson reverted to the car that I had left the night before and I was back off home with the youth.


Well if the canals were flat on the way to tod the road to Gordon Riggs wasn’t- crikey I thought - as I wheelied into Riggs.
Saville shouted the ice creams in and we watched the queues into Riggs - get a life I thought.


Back onto the canal and towards Littleborough - I was feeling it.
We arrived back outside the waterside pub next to the train station - it was rest time - as we sat down Ruby Ruby Ruby sat on a bee and stung her bum - this was hilarious and a second wind was found.  It was great to see Doctor Duffy in action.


We were closing in on Rochdale - Duffy’s youth crew continued on the canal - Gilly’s old boys and bike chain Poscha decided to go through the delightful Newbold - there was no Wilcock butchers just people doing their own thing.

Finally Drake Street as I rode down the hill - I noticed a tram coming towards me - only one winner here - a quick bunny hop and 360 and I was nearr the job centre -


Finally the crowds had come out for the finish and they were cheering wildly.


It was burger time at The Empire - great effort Paul Whitham


Next week Lowerhouse away - fitness check Mon-Fri.